- IVR integration testing
- Call routing and assignment
- Security and access
- Reflexive Questions
Insurance Companies rely profoundly on Software to run their business. Software Systems helps them to deal with numerous insurance accomplishments like developing standard policy forms, control billing process, managing customer's data, rendering quality services to the customer, organizing between branches and so on. But a bigger task is test data management, as the data in such applications tend to be sensitive, interdependent and often show high redundancy.
Though this software is planned to meet the customer's outlooks, its endurance and consistency needs to be confirmed before its actual implementation. Software testing assures the quality of the insurance software by identifying bugs before go-live.
The insurance sector is a network of small units that deals directly or indirectly with processing claims. For smooth functioning of an insurance company, it is necessary that each of this unit is tested rigorously before it is sync together to deliver the desired outcome. The testing includes:
Call Center info
Policy Serving info
Direct channel info
Integration info
Testing can mitigate the threat of business disruption during and after implementation of software. There are many subdivisions of an insurance company that compels testing.