Metrics Non-Agile Agile
Project Management Metrics W3Softech
  • Defect Slippage Ratio
  • Defect Rejection Ratio
  • Phase Containment
  • Number & Severity of defects
  • Testing Effeciency
  • Requirement Coverage [Planned Vs Actual]
  • Test Execution Coverage [Executed Vs Planned]
  • Test Automation Coverage
  • Test Case Ratio
  • Test Case Fail Ratio
  • Performance Requirement Coverage
  • Schedule Deviation
  • Effort Deviation
  • Review Effectiveness
  • Defect Removal Efficiency
  • Defect Density
  • Sprint Stretch Factor
  • Productivity
  • Testing Effectiveness
  • Velocity
  • Burndown
  • User Story Acceptance
  • Velocity Variation
  • CFD(Cycle Time)
  • Cyclomatic Complexity
  • Test Coverage
Program Management Metrics W3Softech
  • Number of test cases created per person per day
  • Number of test cases executed per person per day
  • The automation productivity
  • Percentage Automation
  • Automation Progress
Business Management Metrics W3Softech
  • Customer Satisfaction Index
  • Timeliness of Deliverables
  • SLA Adherence
  • Process Compliance Index
  • Return on Investment
  • Cost of Quality
  • Customer Satisfaction  Index
  • Timeliness of Deliverables
  • SLA Adherence
  • Process Compliance Index
  • Return on Investment
  • Cost of Quality